Saturday 9 August 2014

The 10 Greatest WWE Champions of ALL Time 1

1 John Cena

It's no secret that John Cena isn't exactly the most well-liked person on the WWE roster. Don't worry, if the crowd doesn't tell you how much the hate him, Cena himself will make it a point to mention it every so often. The fact that many older fans hate him doesn't detract from his accomplishments, however.

Since debuting in the WWE in 2002 John Cena has held a world championship belt a total of 14 times. He's an 11-time WWE Champion and a three-time World Heavyweight Champion. Cena has beaten just about everyone on the current roster at least once, and if he hasn't beaten them, it's probably because they were never in the ring together. Even when he isn't champion he's the wrestler everyone has to go through before they can truly be someone, or at least that's what he says.

What truly sets Cena apart, though, is what he does outside of the ring. While it's easy to dislike John Cena the character for overcoming the odds so often that it's expected of him, it's very hard to hate John Cena the person. Cena holds the record for granting the most wishes through the Make-A-Wish Foundation with more than 400 wishes granted. There's no way anyone like that is going to be much lower on this list, no matter how predictable and frustrating his character can be at times.


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