Wednesday 6 August 2014

10 Shocking WWE Results You Never Saw Coming 5

5. Edge Cashes In The Money In The Bank Contract (New Year’s Revolution 2006)

Up until recently, the most shocking result in modern WWE history had been when Edge cashed in the very first Money in the Bank contract to become champion. Edge won the right to a title match at any point in the next year at WrestleMania 21. Money in the Bank was a new concept carried by a budding new main-eventer desperate to find his niche at the top of the card. The gimmick was universally praised, but no one really knew what to expect from the cash-in. Most fans assumed that Edge would, all of the sudden, pick a PPV and tell the titleholder, “Get ready for me to bank on my title shot.” By January 2006, a lot of people were thinking that the Royal Rumble would be the destination.
At the conclusion of the New Year’s Revolution PPV in early January, John Cena defended the WWE title against five other stars in the Elimination Chamber. As the fans had grown accustomed (and would continue to do so ad nauseum for a decade), Cena retained and “My Time is Now” blared through the loud speakers as live attendees filed out of the arena and pay-per-viewers started getting ready for the night’s next or last activity. Yet, Mr. McMahon came out and announced that Edge would be cashing in right then and there.
The fact that Money in the Bank is nearly ten years old and has had its own PPV for four years suggests that the “shocker” was a success.


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