Wednesday 6 August 2014

10 Shocking WWE Results You Never Saw Coming 8

8. David Arquette Wrestles For WCW; Wins World Heavyweight Title (Thunder, April 2000)

Surely, there is not a more infamous result in pro wrestling history than the actor most famous for playing the goof in Scream winning the WCW Championship. Fewer and fewer fans gave a rip about WCW in 2000, as evidenced by their rapidly declining TV ratings and lousy PPV buyrates, but they arguably had their fate sealed by the decision to make a short-term run at a Nielsen pop by having David Arquette win their World title. No booking blunder has ever been as justifiably criticized. It was surely shocking, though. You had to do a double take, whether you watched it live or merely read about it after the fact.
Poor Arquette became a pro wrestling pariah. It was not his idea to put the title on himself. As Diamond Dallas Page once said, “As much heat as he ever took…all the money he made for that pay per view when he busted me over the head with the guitar and Jarrett took the World Title, the money he made, he gave to Melanie Pillman [Flyin’ Brian “The Loose Cannon’s” wife]…When he pinned Bischoff, not me, and I will go on record as saying that was the biggest cluster$&%# ever! and it never should’ve happened, but it did.”


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