Thursday 31 July 2014

WWE: 10 Best Opening PPV Matches Ever 3

3. Tag Team Titles (2/3 Falls): The Usos Vs. Wyatt Family @ Battleground 2014

This is the most recent match taking place just this past Sunday and also the match that inspired the list. They built it up very well by having The Usos face the Wyatt Family (Luke Harper & Erick Rowan) regularly for about three months leading up to this. It appears as though this was their last match at least for a while, so they really went all out with it.
A 2/3 Falls match usually means that the match is going to go longer than a normal one. In this case it didn’t seem like the first two falls were really necessary because they didn’t build to anything later in the match. It’s not like those falls hurt the match, though: after the first ten minutes with the first two falls completed that’s when the action really picked up.
There were no mistakes in this match and the amount of nearfalls really made it great. Things like Harper hitting an impressive powerbomb or the series of dives outside the ring by both teams, they were clicking all night. They had some memorable moments with Rowan hitting the double superplex that we never see. Then there was the finish with The Usos hitting the double top rope splash for the decisive ending. A lot of us expected the challengers to win, but the champion Usos held on.
It was the right kind of mix with The Usos as the high flying babyface team and Harper/Rowan in the role of the powerful heels that could keep up with them. It’s a classic tag match that was the perfect choice for an opening match and one of the best ones ever.


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