Monday 28 July 2014

5 Greatest WWE Feuds Of The 90s (5)

5. The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

An accidental chair shot and a sudden attitude change were responsible for the intense hatred Shawn Michaels elicited from The Undertaker in the summer and fall of 1997, leading to the historic inauguration of the Hell in a Cell match.
Michaels was serving as guest referee for the Undertaker’s WWE title defense against Bret Hart at SummerSlam in August when he accidentally struck the Dead Man with a chair. That action cost the champion the match and the title, leading to animosity between the two. When Michaels turned heel and aligned himself with Hunter Hearst Helmsley, that animosity turned to disdain. At In Your House: Ground Zero in September, Undertaker and Michaels met for the first time in a match that ended in a draw. With no ring nor any number of officials able to contain the hatred between the two, the signed to settle their differences in the first Hell in a Cell match.
Undertaker bloodied and battered Michaels but the debut of the Phenom’s brother, Kane, ended up saving the bout for old HBK. Three months later at the 1998 Royal Rumble, the two iconic figures would meet once again, this time in a Casket match for the WWE title. Again, Kane saved the contest for Michaels. Undertaker was essentially robbed of any real revenge of the Heartbreak Kid, leaving the issues somewhat unresolved. Still, the passion and emotion involved helped make the feud one of the best of the decade, even if it was not the lengthiest


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