Monday 21 July 2014

10 WWE Storylines That Were Never Resolved (8)

In 2008, Vince announced a brand new competition that he would personally be running weekly on Monday Night Raw in which a lucky fan picked at random would win a decent chunk of Vince’s personal wealth. It was a legitimate contest, the people who won have been profiled since and the money won was all above aboard. This is probably why the angle was abandoned almost as soon as it began.
Three weeks into the competition, the Million Dollar Mania set suffered a ‘malfunction’ and kayfabe fell on McMahon, taking him off TV for a while and abruptly ending the competition. The whole angle had Vince McMahon written all over it and was clearly a massive ratings stunt to draw in people who would never watch wrestling otherwise.
Realising several weeks in that giving away your profits isn’t conductive to business is undoubtedly what killed this angle a scant several episodes of Raw after it started. Vince is the greatest mind in the wrestling business, but sometimes his near-maniacal ideas need to be reigned in, even by himself.


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