Saturday 19 July 2014

10 Second Generation WWE Stars Who Totally Failed (7)

7. Barry Orton (Barry O)

 Father: Bob Orton Sr.
It seems like Barry Orton is the forgotten one in the legendary Orton family. His father Bob Orton Sr. made a name for himself working with the likes Bruno Sammartino and Buddy Rogers. Even though he didn’t make it to the very top as a World Champion in the WWWF, he still had a very successful career because of who he got into the ring with.
Barry’s brother Bob Orton Jr. also had a very good career that saw him end up in the WWE Hall of Fame. He wasn’t a main eventer like his dad, but he did step into the ring with the best. He was a key figure during WWE’s rise in the early to mid 1980s too. Obviously if you’re reading this you know all about Bob’s son Randy Orton, who has been one of the biggest names in WWE for the past decade and is still going strong.
What about Barry? You might remember him as a jobber named Barry O that would make an O with his arms whenever he was introduced. He lost match after match for many years. It paid the bills I’m sure, but he didn’t come close to matching the success of his family members.


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