1. He’s Phony

Despite how hard he works, no matter how many things he says right or how many times he comes through for WWE, John Cena just does not feel real. Whether it’s because his character is stale, or he appears to be insincere at times or whether it’s a combination of both, John just seems to be phony.
But there is literally no way to know if that’s true. Fans can only go on the information that’s in front of them and much of that information comes from third parties that may or may not actually know John well enough behind the scenes to make a judgement call.
However that does not stop the rumors of John running the show backstage and perhaps even holding other talent back. Unless gossip of that nature is confirmed by more than one source, then it remains gossip.
So is John Cena the professional, upstanding guy that he portrays while in character? Or is he something else altogether?
The truth is that at this point it may not matter anymore. He’s been booed for so long and been at the top for so long that there is likely nothing WWE can do to truly convince fans he is the real deal. They’ve had 10 years and it’s not worked yet. Another 10 years would probably not help either.
John Cena’s critics believe him to be phony. And he’s basically unable to prove them wrong. Fans have made up their minds about John and at the end of the day, they’re sick of dealing with it and they’re sick of him.
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