Friday 25 July 2014

10 Greatest Promo Guys Of The Ruthless Aggression Era 2

2. Kurt Angle

He made his debut in the dying days of the Attitude Era as a cheeseball Olympic-centric heel character, putting an arrogant spin on the old forumla of ‘saying your prayers and taking your vitamins’ to draw massive heat. His character was then toughened up and played a little straighter during the Invasion angle and turned face. Coming out into the brand split, he was once again a heel but was now a little more vicious, playing up his amateur wrestling background a little more.
All of his mic work at the time was both high quality and incredibly varied. As the WWE hero against the Alliance, he was very intense and convinced the crowd that he was the right man to lead the WWE following Stone Cold’s betrayal. Later on, when teaming with the more serious Chris Benoit, he would flex his surprisingly considerable comedic muscle as the funny man of the team. We’d see this again later on when Kurt went one on one in constant rap battles with championship rival John Cena in some of the funniest segments of the era.


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